Raja’s Dharma: 2024 Elections are considered to be the game changer in India

The India elections are one of the biggest and the largest democratic elections in the world as per the population and diversity involved.

India, Bharat is a proud ancient civilization which survived through invasions, conquerors and many ups and downs. India holds the power of its citizens.

India is a nation beyond its boundary. It is a living culture thriving in the heart of each of its citizen. The land of gods, goddesses, enlightenment and empowered souls.

The oldest holy book- the Gita talks about everything in life especially the roles, rules and responsibilities for all. The Action, Karma is the core to live in the earth reality.

Today I would like to mention the duties, dharma of the king as per the Gita.

1. Righteousness: A king must ensure that justice prevails. It is his duty to protect the weak and ensure that laws and ethical standards are followed.

The king should set an example of virtuous living for his subjects by adhering to moral principles and ethical behavior.

2. King is a servant to its people

The Gita emphasizes the importance of selfless action (karma yoga). A king should govern without attachment to personal gains and focus on the welfare of his people.

The king must provide safety and security to his citizens and prioritize their well-being and growth.

3. Duties Without Attachment

This is the crux of the Gita.

The king should perform his duties diligently and with dedication without selfish desires or personal motives.

The king should take decisions with a clear and unbiased mind, keeping the greater good in focus rather than personal interests.

4. Maintaining Discipline and Order

 A king is responsible for maintaining law and order in the kingdom. This includes enforcing laws, punishing wrongdoers, and ensuring justice is served and also protecting the kingdom from external threats. The king must be prepared to lead and defend his realm when necessary.

5. Spiritual Wisdom and Guidance

The king should seek spiritual wisdom and guidance to rule. This includes understanding the deeper principles of life and governance by consulting with sages, wise counsellors, experts and the knowledgeable.

6. Balancing Material and Spiritual Responsibilities

The Gita teaches the importance of balancing material responsibilities with spiritual growth. A king should not neglect his spiritual duties while fulfilling his kingly obligations to maintain the cosmic order and performing duties as an offering to the divine.

Verses from the Bhagavad Gita for the King

Chapter 2, Verse 47: “Your right is to perform your duty only, but never to its fruits. Let not the fruits of action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction.”

Chapter 3, Verse 21: “Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. Whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.”

Chapter 18, Verse 47:”It is better to perform one’s own duties imperfectly than to master the duties of another. By fulfilling the obligations he is born with, a person never comes to grief.”

These principles outline a framework for righteous and effective leadership, emphasizing moral integrity, selflessness, and the pursuit of justice and welfare for all.

Lets wish that chosen prime minister would display the above qualities and India gets a humble, compassionate, progressive and a just leader.